Urostomy Bag | Urostomy Surgery

 Urostomy Bag

Another pouching appliance that is commonly used is an urostomy bag. So, when does one require to wear or use one? Patients who have undergone an urostomy are advised to use this pouching system. Let us tell you what a urostomy is. A urostomy, is a surgical procedure creating a stoma that helps divert the flow of urine into it. Body waste in the form of urine then passes through the stoma, and into an urostomy bag through an alternate passage that is created. The bag can be custom made, with the needs as well as requirements of the patient adhered to. A urostomy is a permanent procedure that is advised to patients suffering from a urinary system defect from birth, cancer or trauma.

A pouching system is also referred to as an ostomy appliance. As ostomy bag or pouch is recommended to patients who have undergone a colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy. This is needed for the collection of waste. Individuals are advised these surgeries in the case of cancer, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, trauma or a birth defect where the body is unable to secrete waste on its own hence a stoma is created surgically. An ostomy appliance, either a urostomy bag, ileostomy bag or a colostomy bag, is fitted onto the stoma. Bodily waste like urine and faces collect in the pouching system making it necessary to be thoroughly cleaned or changed. Maintenance after periodic intervals is required with necessary care.

One of the three ostomies is an ileostomy bag. This procedure or ostomy creates a hole on the stomach or the abdominal wall of the patient. The lowest part of the small intestine commonly known as or referred to as the ileum is then brought in through the surgically created hole, to form a stoma. This is usually on the lower right end of the patient’s stomach as the body is unable to secrete waste by itself. Once created, advise to wear an ileostomy bag is rendered. This pouching system will help in the collection of body waste like faeces and urine.

Colostomy surgery is also referred to as bowel diversion surgery. Individuals suffering from cancer of the colon, abnormality at birth, trauma, rectal cancer or Crohn’s disease are advised a colostomy. This procedure can either be temporary or permanent depending on the kind of ailment the patient is suffering from. The patient is always in a better state health wise post a colostomy. This is usually advised when the pain, uneasiness and discomfort is so acute that an ostomy is the only resort or solution. Patients are advised to use a bag or a pouching system and are fitted with a colostomy bag for waste to be collected.  

A colostomy bag care or pouch is snugly fitted onto the stoma, the surgically created opening on the abdominal wall once the patient has undergone a colostomy. The pouching system, or the colostomy bag should be emptied regularly. This is dependent upon the collection of waste. One must be very careful with the hygiene of the bag. Always use warm water, when rinsing the bag. Also use an alcohol-free baby soap as well as a disinfectant. This procedure, is to be followed every time the bag is drained of waste and to be cleaned. There may be many a few instances where the need to change the pouching system may occur, be it a leak, over use etc.

A stoma is an opening or a hole that is created surgically and is not age related. People of all ages can have one. There are many reasons where a person is advised an ostomy. It could be if the patient is suffering from either cancer, trauma, diverticular disease, Crohn’s disease also called Inflammatory Bowel Disease, or a defect by birth. Stoma is found in three types forms of ostomy namely Colostomy, Ileostomy and Urostomy. While all these surgeries are the same only with a few minor differences, they are performed when the patient’s body is unable to pass waste in the form of faeces or urine.

As already stated, there are three main types of stoma and appropriate stoma care is a must on the completion of the surgery. In most cases, the stoma is moist and pink and resembles the insides of a mouth. A stoma is in most cases swollen after surgery but, it should not worry you as the swelling will reduce gradually, over a maximum period of 8 weeks. Since the stoma has no nerves, there will be no sensation on touch. Stomas vary in shape and size. Ensure to keep the stoma dry, disinfected and clean, thereby keeping all infection at bay.

Ostomy care is of prime importance. The stoma, as is known to us, is surgically created, helping divert either faeces or urine, depending on the ostomy. The patient is then advised to use a pouching system or a bag. Once it is fitted onto the stoma, the pouching appliance should be taken care of, drained and cleaned often, using the best hygiene possible.

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